Harvest what you craft — pattern draft
Weaving on the move. In the car!
Posted by Clare Anderson-Safronova on
I have been weaving in the car for years now. I was always the driver for years since being American put me way more experienced then my Latvian country man who got his drivers licenses when we were together. I already had ten years on him at that point! But now I am very happy to be the co-pilot, navigator, backseat driver and weaver (which makes me be not so good at the first 3. When I began I would tie a knot and close it in the glove compartment (who puts gloves in there now?). That worked but less...
5 double slotted pattern loom
Posted by Clare Anderson-Safronova on
The 5 pattern bands are cranking out these days. Why? Its just so easy to get in the rhythm with 5 strings. Im starting to think its just as fast as plain weave. here are a few drafts to color up your bands with. There are more available to download here A complete loom setup ready to weave is on the shop as well. The band above is linen background warp, as well as the borders and weft. The colors are in wool. That is the traditional band material in Northern Europe. In Latvia and the other Baltic countries you will find weavers...