Weave anywhere! backstrap loom freedom.

Posted by Clare Anderson-Safronova on

backstrap loom portable band weavingI have floor looms, table loom, inkle looms, etc.. but the one you will find me most on is a backstrap rigid heddle loom.  Its just so nice that you can take it anywhere and weave. also easy to set up. Over the years i have been spotted in the airport, parks, cafes, and the best, the car!  The car, you dont believe, well I took the suction from the GPS and hooked onto that.  Now I love being the passenger because every time we visit friends or go to the capital I can weave a band.  One can never have enough bands!

1 comment

  • I love your bands! They remind me of the traditional Irish belt – a crios (pr criss)in Irish. You don’t really see them any more – but I fully intend making at least one as I learn to weave on my new rigid heddle loom by harvest looms! Joan

    Joan on

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