cold weather = more weaving!

Posted by Clare Anderson-Safronova on

The final harvest was two weekend ago.  One ton of apple juice!  Thanks to a bunch of friends that came over to help it was relatively effortless.  Now we to try to drink it all is the challange, or not.

Since the major harvesting is over around the house and the cold air is blowing in, craft season has begun. I have finished four bands in two weeks.  And those weren't left over projects from last winter (hah those are still there!).  I am very excited to get into pattern bands again with the slot looms.  I have been buying some hardware so I dont have a box full of bands.  Instead they will be finished projects.  The belt hardware is faster the instant jelly.  Cut, sow, hammer done.  Here is my new belt and one for my son to brighten the dull fall sky (its been many shades of grey lately)  The hardware will be available soon in the shop.  First on the etsy shop then soon here.

happy weaving season everyone!

handwoven belt handweaving rigid heddle loomhand woven belt rigid heddle loom make your own belthand woven belt backstrap weaving rigid heddle band weaving inkle bands


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