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shuttle my favorite

Regular price €15,00
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shuttle my favorite - Harvest Looms backstrap weaving supplies for band weaving rigid heddle looms
shuttle my favorite - Harvest Looms backstrap weaving supplies for band weaving rigid heddle looms
shuttle my favorite - Harvest Looms backstrap weaving supplies for band weaving rigid heddle looms
shuttle my favorite - Harvest Looms backstrap weaving supplies for band weaving rigid heddle looms
shuttle my favorite - Harvest Looms backstrap weaving supplies for band weaving rigid heddle looms

beautiful hardwood weaving shuttle

22.5 cm x 3.3 cm (8.9in x 1.3cm)

made of locally/sustainably harvested Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) ,a northern hardwood.
finished with linseed oil to ensure a longer lifespan and the party bonus of the wonderful smell of linseed oil.

good for tablet weaving, backstap, table looms, etc

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